Mid-Length Walking Group February

Ravenshead/Newstead Abbey circular walk on 16th February
The weather forecast was for heavy rain all day but 17 brave members still turned up for the walk, which turned out to be 7.2 miles because of our detour to the café at Newstead Abbey!! The weather could have been better but it certainly wasn’t heavy rain as predicted. Lunch was interesting though, as we thought the trees would shelter us from the rain; we seemed to forget that rain drips from the branches anyway, so it was soggy sandwiches all round!! The walk started from The Hutt Pub and took us through parts of Ravenshead and Papplewick, along sections of Robin Hood’s Way and through the Abbey grounds. It was new territory for many of us and left us feeling that we would like to do it again in sunny weather!! We arrived back at the Hutt rather dishevelled but still rushed with speed into the pub, for a well-earned drink.
Everyone enjoyed the walk, despite the weather; thank you to Steve and Anne.
Our next walk is on: Monday 16th March – Hardwick Village/River Poulter

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