Mid-Length Walk round Chatsworth

Our August walk, led by John Tedstone, was around the Chatsworth Estate. We took a circular route starting at the Calton Lees garden centre. Starting off across fields towards the village of Beeley, the deceptively flat route gave way to a steady climb through woods, with a stream running alongside. Very picturesque but with a variety of biting insects! Pausing for a rest at the top of the woods, we continued over the moor, with views over towards Rowsley and Youlgreave. We chose a sheltered spot for our picnic because it was so windy on the top of the moor! Passing the lakes, which supply the fountain in the Chatsworth House gardens, we paused at the Hunting Tower, a folly which overlooks the House. It has a large cannon to deter invaders but we couldn’t find any volunteers for the job of human cannonball, even with an offer to vary the amount of gun powder if the first attempt failed! After a short break at the very busy courtyard at Chatsworth House, we continued alongside the river where the restored west front of the House can now be seen. After heading back to the car park most of us decided that a drink was in order. Well deserved we thought!!
This walk marked the first anniversary of the group and our thanks go to everyone who has joined us on walks so far. We hope that you are enjoying them!
Sue Tedstone
Our next walk is on Monday 16th September – to Ockbrook (6.5 miles)

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