Mid-Length Walk August Report

Lambley was the venue for our August walk on a bright sunny day. Twenty two walkers set off from The Lambley Pub, walking through fields, cornfields and woods, including the Lambley Dumbles. Then we encountered a little problem, which wasn’t there the week before when we’d recced it. Builders had diverted the footpath through the new housing estate and another firm of workmen had blocked the diversion! So we had no other option but to backtrack and get through via a different road, adding a mile to our walk (7.25 miles in the end). Eventually we got into the new Gedling Country Park, which was opened in March this year. The views are really good from the top and who would guess that Gedling and Carlton could look so spectacular!! We walked passed the 22,080 solar panels, which apparently produce over 5 megawatts of electricity, enough to power 1,800 homes a year. Then, after our sandwiches we headed back, down lanes and through woods and fields, all the way back to The Lambley Pub. Of course we were obliged to have a drink there to round off our day!
Our next walk is on: Monday September 21st – From Hoveringham

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