Martin Fish Gardeners' Question Time

I have obtained some tickets for the presentation by Martin Fish at Ashfield U3A.
This is the third year running that the event has been staged and it is always a sell out.
Most of you will be aware that Martin is Radio Nottingham’s Gardening expert and is also the chairman of the Harrogate Flower Show. He is also a columnist in the Garden News weekly magazine. He will be presenting a talk entitled “Gardening for the smaller garden” and will also be answering all your questions. You are asked to bring along your questions with samples of problems that you may need his advice on.
The event will be at Ashwood Centre in Kirkby on Thursday 3rd October running from 7.00 till 10.00 pm.
Tickets are £5 including refreshments and available from me.
Please phone me on 07940146542 or e mail Alan Snape on the form below.

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