Lunch Group Update

What can I say about the chaos that was Patchings Farm on August 28th – can only apologise (although not my fault). Firstly they crammed too many of us into the room, making it difficult for the latecomers to get to their seats. Then, because of this delay, Patchings served the other large party in the other room before us which delayed our start. Then they were waiting for those people who had had starters to finish before starting to bring out the main courses. I would be grateful if members could get to the venue for 12 noon but I appreciate that with traffic and roadworks etc this is not always possible. I will also ensure that I do not book at any venue that already has another group booked in.
The September lunch will be at Portland Training College on Wednesday, 25th, and is now full.
On 23rd October we are going to Peachy Keens (world menu buffet) on Parliament Street, again for 12 noon and I am taking names. Also in October we are going to an early evening meal at the Bibiana Lounge in Hucknall (this is because they do not open at lunchtimes and there happens to be five Wednesdays in October so it should not clash with any other U3A group). As it was a local restaurant we wanted to check it out. Incidentally I have heard very good reports of the new Thai restaurant at Farleys Lane and I hope to book us in there for January, 2014.
On 27th November we hope to go to Adams Brasserie in the Lace Market, Nottingham but this has not yet been confirmed as they have not yet started the college year (they are a catering training college). But if you are interested please let me know.
There are still eleven tickets left for the Panto on Wednesday, 18th December at Nottingham Playhouse. The pre-Panto Christmas Lunch at the Osbourne Lounge, Albert Hall is £22 for a four course meal with a party atmosphere. You can choose whether to go to just the lunch, just the Panto or both. I must have payment for the Lunch at the September or October U3A meeting with cheques being made payable to Hucknall & District U3A please.
Just a reminder to those Lunch Group members who have not yet paid that the £1 administration fee is now due; this covers the cost of Quiz prizes, printing and telephone calls etc. Please let me have this at the September meeting also.

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