Lunch Group September Report

We had a lovely lunch at The Shepherd’s Rest at Lower Bagthorpe on September 23rd when Rose Ridley and Ann Lambert won the General Knowledge quiz.
We are lunching at The Countryman in Kirkby in Ashfield on October 28th. Then, on November 25th we shall try Cosmo, a recently opened World Buffet in the Trinity Square area of Nottingham.
Our annual visit on December 16th to the Albert Hall for Christmas Lunch & Dick Whittington panto at Nottingham Playhouse seems to be rushing towards us. I shall need all monies for this to be paid at the October meeting please and your menu choices also. Please make your cheque payable to Hucknall & District U3A. It’s not too late to put your names down for this. Just a reminder that you do not have to attend both the lunch and the panto.
When putting your name down for the Lunch Group would you please indicate whether you can offer lifts to others or if you need a lift. It’s getting to be quite a big task to sort lifts out so if you have been having regular lifts with the same person, could I please ask you to make your own arrangements with them directly. Of course I will still try to get lifts for new members to the Lunch Group and am always very grateful to those members who kindly offer lifts.
The menus for our lunches will be on the U3A website. If you cannot be at the October U3A meeting, you may email your name to go down but please also check the list at the next monthly U3A meeting to make sure it’s down, together with your menu choice. Email on the form below or telephone 0115 8408132.

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