Lunch Group November

And it was very autumnal when we went to Forever Green, at Ransom Wood, near Rainworth (the site of the old Ransom Hospital). The food was lovely but due to staff shortages it was not as hot as it could have been. We can recommend Forever Green but only if you are using the downstairs restaurant, as upstairs there are no loos and no lift. But we did enjoy it. Some members did a “reccy” beforehand to make sure they knew where it was and how to get there. The tree-themed quiz was won by Helen Rose and Marion Monks.
On November 26th we are going to the Old Green Dragon at Oxton; would members please let me have their menu choices as soon as possible.
The balance for the Christmas Lunch on 17th December at the Albert Hall is now due. Please let me have your cheque made payable to Hucknall & District U3A. If you have already paid your £10 deposit, then the balance due is £12. Again the menu for this is on the website so please let me know your choices as soon as possible.
The list for the Half Moon in Hucknall in January is almost full and the menu will hopefully be available at the next meeting.
Old Green Dragon Menu

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