Lunch Group New Year Update

Once again we had an excellent Christmas Lunch on 17th December at the Albert Hall during which the Christmas TV adverts quiz was won by Pete and Jayne Wall. Then of course we went off to see Sleeping Beauty at the Nottingham Playhouse. Oh no you didn’t; oh yes we did! Once again we joined in with gusto with the many schoolchildren in the audience in booing the bad fairy and cheering the jester! Some of us went late night Christmas shopping afterwards – gluttons for punishment!
May I take the opportunity to thank all the Lunch Group members for their generous gift and I look forward to seeing you all at the many new venues I have in mind in 2015! Many thanks!
The Half Moon in Hucknall in January is now full – no, not a full moon but a full restaurant!
On 25th February it will be the turn of George’s at The Thorn Tree, Woodlinkin. Unfortunately this has to be limited to 30 members only as a larger group would have to be split between two rooms and there would not be the same atmosphere, so it will be either first-come, first-served or names in a hat unfortunately. However The Thorn Tree has had many recommendations so we are looking forward to that one.
In March (25th) we are planning to visit yet another new-to-us restaurant – The Hostess at Sookholme, Mansfield. More details at the January Meeting.

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