Lunch Group January Plans

If you are interested in the January Lunch Group venue please let me have your name by return and a £5 deposit at the November meeting as there will be no business at the December Social meeting (cheques made payable to Hucknall & District U3A).
BEST WESTERN Westminster Hotel
312 Mansfield Road Nottingham NG5 2EF
27th January at 12 noon
2 courses £11.95 3 courses £14.95 £5 deposit needed
To start
Tomato & basil soup
Melon, fruits & mango sorbet
Chicken liver parfait, Melba toast & apple chutney
Roast topside of beef
Poached salmon, asparagus & hollandaise sauce
Pea & mint risotto & feta cheese
(All our main courses are served with potatoes & seasonal vegetables)
Dark chocolate mousse with raspberry
Strawberry Eton mess
Glazed lemon tart
Tea or coffee

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