Lunch Group Feb/March update

Forty-nine of us went to the moon on 28th January – no, it was not an oversized space rocket but Hucknall U3A Lunch Group’s first outing of the year to the Half Moon in Hucknall. A good time was had by all and the Moon Quiz (what else could it possibly have been?) was won by Helen Rose and Marion Monks.
We are looking forward to our 25th February visit to George’s at The Thorn Tree, Woodlinkin. Unfortunately space is limited to thirty diners and is now full but no doubt many of us will return bringing friends and family in the future.
On March 25th The Hostess at Sookholme, Mansfield will be the venue and you can
select from the Menu.
I have not yet finalised our April 22nd lunch but watch this space!

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