Lunch Group

On 26th September thirty of us had lunch at Felley Priory Tea Rooms (lovely food but a tight squeeze for 29 of us!) and the Gardening Quiz was won by Rosemary and Tony Taylor.
On 24th October we are at the Dog & Quayle, Underwood which is now full. I am still taking names for 28th November at Mr Man’s Chinese Restaurant which is £11.50 (starter & main course). I shall require a £5 deposit for this venue in October. The menu for this will be on the Hucknall U3A website hopefully next week.
I still have a few tickets left for the Panto at Nottingham Playhouse on 19th December at £19 but if you would like to come to the Christmas Lunch only, in the Osbourne Lounge at the Albert Hall, Nottingham, there are still places at a cost of £21. All monies should be paid by the October U3A meeting.
On 23rd January we are not travelling far as we don’t know what the weather will be like so we are booked in at Bella Mia on Annesley Road. A two course lunch is £12.95 and I am taking names from October.
Details of future venues in 2013 will be given next month, with more details on the U3A Lunch Group website or contact me on 0115 8408132 or through the form below.

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