Lunch Group

Our June Lunch Group was at The Junction pub at Sutton in Ashfield when we had a “trains” themed quiz which was won by Alan & Colleen Snape and Rob and Enid Monk. Although The Junction took a little finding, it was worth the effort as the meal was plentiful and a reasonable price.
July 23rd will see us at Biondi Bistro at Gunthorpe Lock and we hope the present good weather will continue so that we can have a stroll along the tow path after lunch. The menu is on the U3A website and I need your choices now please. The main course average price is between £7 and £10.
Our August 27th lunch will be at Encounters on Mansfield Road, Nottingham but due to restricted space, this is now full. Hopefully the menu will be available later in July and is two courses for £9.95 or three courses for £12.95.
For those cricket fans amongst us, our September 24th venue will be very familiar: Larwood & Voce restaurant at Notts. Cricket Ground. They have a lunchtime special menu at £7.77 (understandably called The Magnificent Seven).
And on October 22nd we go to Forever Green, Ransom Wood, near Rainworth. I thought it might be a nice venue for October as the trees will be changing colour around this time. Again the menu will be on the website in due course.
I am still taking names for the Christmas Lunch at the Albert Hall and/or the Pantomime at Nottingham Playhouse on Wednesday, 17th December. I will be collecting deposits in July and for this larger amount please let me have your cheque made payable to Hucknall & District U3A. The Christmas Lunch deposit is £10 and the Panto deposit is £7.50.

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