June Walk – Mid-Length Walking Group

Our June walk, planned and led by Carol and Albert Briggs was a 6 mile walk around Castleton in Derbyshire.
Starting near Treak Cliff Cavern (because of free parking), 13 hardy walkers climbed past Little Mam Tor and Odin Mine up to Hollins Cross. We had our coffee break here, admiring the views towards Kinder Scout, Edale Valley and southwards along Hope Valley to the Cement Works!
Then it was upwards again to the summit of Mam Tor where the Civil Engineers in the group explained how trig points work. They told us Mam Tor is 517 metres above sea level – the O.S. map tells you anyway!
It was all downhill after that as we passed Windy Knoll, crossed fields and headed towards to the top of Cave Dale for lunch.
Then came the only major decision of the walk. Do we dare enter Cave Dale with all those loose boulders and water running like a stream or do we attempt the very steep decent via Peveril Castle? We decided on the latter and entered Castleton in search of refreshment.
After a long drink outside the Castle pub we started inventing new groups for our U3A e.g. death by hang glider – it was time to go home!!
As we walked uphill back to our cars yet another Civil Engineer noticed that parking charges on the road in Castleton only apply at weekends and Bank Holidays. We could have avoided walking up that last hill!!
We had a great day out and felt quite proud when we looked back up at
Mam Tor – you would think that we had climbed Everest!!!
Thank you to Carol and Albert.
Our next walk is on:  Monday 15th July 

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