History Group 'Show and Tell'

We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm at Central Methodist Church, Hucknall. Everyone is welcome to join us.
On Wednesday 21 November we will be having a “show and tell” session. Please bring along papers, letters and other documents (not other items) that mean something to you and your family. Perhaps it is a special letter or card, an announcement of an event in your family, maybe a treasured photograph; we all have something tucked away somewhere.
Some members have put forward ideas for next year’s programme, but other suggestions are always welcome. This is your History Group.
At our October meeting Frank Earp gave us a fascinating talk on the supposed history of some of the large, unusual rock formations. There are geological reasons for their siting, due mostly the glaciers depositing their debris hundreds of miles from there they were picked up. There is the Hemlock Stone at Bramcote, the Druids Stone, now hidden in a field at the back of a field off Ricketts Lane, Blidworth, and a stone on Castleton Hill in Derbyshire. According to folklore, Frank told us, in ancient times people believed some stones were probably thrown by the Devil in a fit of temper.
However, some other stones have achieved religious significance. Bob’s Rock, on a hill in Stapleford was where John Wesley preached and a Methodist Church was built at the bottom of the hill. Some unusual stones were used by pagans but over the millennia these sites have become sites for other churches.
And then there are the stones erected by people to mark roads for travellers, boundaries of estates and memorials.
Thank you, Doreen, for arranging this talk.

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