History Group Plans

The Group’s next meeting is on Wednesday June 21st at 1pm. It is the date for a walk round the General Cemetery in Nottingham. This is an event specially for our U3A history group when Kevin who did the fantastic walk around the Lace Market will lead us again on this occasion. The starting point is the Canning circus top end of the cemetery and it will finish at the bottom near the Trent University tram stop. Cost £3 per person. Proceeds to the Civic Society.
Looking ahead. A special visit has been arranged at Nottingham Castle on 19th July. An archaeologist will meet us at the Gatehouse at 2pm to take us on a tour of the medieval remains of the castle and tell us about the ‘dig’ and any finds discovered. Cost £1 per person
Please note. Both these visits are full. If any members have discovered they can’t make either of the days please inform myself or Kath. Thank you.
Maureen Newton

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