Gardening Group Visit

Gardening News
St Ann’s Allotments. Ransom Road, off Woodborough Road, Nottingham
Date :- Tuesday 20th August at 2.00p.m. admission cost £3
Transport:- Please make your own way there should you require car share arranging or can offer a lift then please contact Alan on 07940146542 or on the form below.
World famous St. Ann’s Allotments are reputed to be the oldest allotments in the U.K and number approximately 700. We will congregate at the
large electric gates half way down Ransom Road just below Coppice Park, Please park on Ransom Road.We are being met at 2.00 p.m. by curator Mo Cooper who will give us the history of the Allotments followed by a guided tour. Some of us will be going on afterwards to visit the City Farm just off Carlton Road, Sneinton.
Please let Alan know if you plan to come either by e mail, phone or at the next U3A meeting on August 14th.

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