Gardening Group October

Have you heard the buzz – well you would have if you were at the last meeting of our Group when our very entertaining speaker gave us the low down on keeping Bees and
let us into all the secrets of the hive.
Never has 90 minutes passed so fast – I think we were all deeply engrossed in what she had to say. I was quite sold on the idea of starting a hive on my allotment until she let it slip that holidays were out of the question once you had a hive to look after.
A very entertaining afternoon that I believe was thoroughly enjoyed by all 32 members present.
On Tuesday October 15th at 2.00 in the Byron suite we have invited Mike Davey from Sutton Bonnington Agriculture college to come along and give us a slide presentation and talk on how to redesign a suburban garden. He lives on Loughborough Road at Ruddington and had to redesign his own garden and I am sure we shall all be able to get a few pointers as to how we can improve ours.
Please make a note of this in your diary – all U3A members welcome to presentations like this in the Byron Suite at the John Godber Centre – admission for this will be £2 as usual to cover the cost of the room rental and the speakers donation which he gives to the charity Action for Children.

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