Gardening Group

Four members have now got together to re launch our Gardening Group and everyone interested is invited to the initial meeting at The John Godber Centre on Tuesday May 21 at 2.00 p.m. A list has been compiled of all members who have expressed their interest in gardening and information will be circulated via e mail of our programme and other information relative to gardening matters. Information will also be available at our monthly meetings, on the boards and in the U3A Newsletter.
Our programme will try to include things that will appeal to as wide an audience as possible and success will depend on your support. The group will consist of 4 sections and all members of the Gardening Group can attend any section meeting where an item on the programme appeals to them. The sections will be as follows:- Visits ( Leader Janet Gibson); Home Grown ( Leader – Albert Briggs); Flowers ( Leader – Carol Briggs); Speakers/blogs and discussion group ( Leader – Alan Snape). Overall coordinator – Alan Snape.
The first meeting on Tuesday May 21st will be a general meeting when we hope as many members as possible with an interest in any aspect of gardening will come along and air their views as to what they would like to get out of being a member of this group.
By joining the group list no commitment is made by any member only that they are expressing their gardening interest and would like to receive information enabling them to select items from the programme that they would like to attend. Open meetings will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at The John Godber Centre – other events such as visits would be on dates arranged and not always a Tuesday afternoon.
The list of members will be on display in the board room. Please see the board minder to add or remove your name.
Further information or any queries regarding this item please contact Alan Snape 07940146542 or via the website.

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