Gardening Group

This month’s meeting on Tuesday Jan 21st at 2.00 p.m. will be a planning meeting giving you the opportunity to suggest what you would like the group to do this year. Please come along and speak up. Remember U3A Interest Groups are run for members and driven by members. Without your participation the group won’t fulfil the members’ needs.
Don’t forget this month to bring with you your favourite gardening photo that you have taken for the competition. Also any gardening items (like seeds etc) that you want to give away but please don’t try and carry water butts up the front steps of the Godber Centre !
Our visit to Hopton Hall on Feb 18th, to hopefully see the snowdrops, needs a £5 deposit paying at the January meeting. Please remember! So far we have 45 names on the list so it looks like being a big friendly day out providing the snow keeps off. The start time will be 10.00 from Ogle Street arriving at Hopton Hall car park at 11.00 There is a cafe on site with a limited offering. Plans to visit Carsington Visitor Centre upon leaving for those wearing their thermals.
Further info available from alansnape contactable on the form below and on 07940146542 – 0115 9273524.

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