Garden Group Hopton Hall Visit

The Garden Group
I now have pleasure in confirming that transport for our visit to Hopton Hall to see the Snowdrops etc has been arranged with Butlers Coaches in a 50 seater coach. Leaving Ogle Street at 10.00 we intend to be back by about 4.00. The majority of members have paid £5 deposit and the balance should be paid at the garden group meeting on Tuesday 21st or at the U3A Club meeting on the 12th Feb. The total cost will be £11 to those going on the coach and £4 to those travelling by car.
We hope that as many members will attend our meeting this Tuesday and bring along their ideas for the groups future and photos for the previously announced competition along with their balance for the coach.
This weeks Gardening Tip
This week I shall be cutting back my just flowered shoots of winter jasmine to encourage strong growth in the spring. Thinning out old week wood from climbers can be painstaking for those with a bad back like mine. Inward growing branches of small trees such as crab apples need to be removed and I shall also be starting to prune my large Bramley apple tree. Don’t forget to cut back hard summer flowering varieties of Clematis.
By the way if your not coming to Hopton and you fancy hearing a talk on growing and caring for Clematis plants instead then you are invited to go along to the talk at the Arnold U3A Club held in the Arnold Methodists Church at 1.30 p.m. Please give organiser Val Disney a call first 0115 9569917 to let her know that you wish to attend. I believe that it costs £4 and that refreshments are being provided.

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