Films, Films and More Films!

More news on the expansion of film availability in North Nottingham area. Gedling Council are putting on a “Gedling Film Festival” at the Bonington Theatre in Arnold. This festival will be held over 4 weekends each year. Membership (on the night) is £6 adult, under 18 £3, OAP’s £3 Family membership is £15 for 2 Adults and up to 4 under 18’s. This is unbelievable value as it gets you into all films for a whole year.
The first weekend is 2nd – 4th May. Friday 2nd Mat 7.30 – ‘Toy Story’. — Sat 3rd May 2.30 – ‘Despicable Me 2’ — Sat 3rd May 7.30 –‘The Life of Pi’ —
Sunday 4th May – 2.30 ‘Vertigo’ — Sunday 4th May – 7.30 – ‘Dirty Dancing’
If its 5 films at each festival weekend then the deal could be 20 films for only £3 in total.
More information from Website or
(entry sent by Alan Snape)

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