Film Club at the Bonington

This Friday (30th) the Film Club will be held at the Bonington Theatre on Arnold High Street. 7.15 in the bar. The film being shown this week is “The Long Good Friday” a 1980 film lasting 118 mins. Good value at £2.50 plus £1 for lifelong membership. The Long Good Friday stars Bob Hoskins as Harold, a prosperous English gangster, who is about to close a lucrative deal when bombs start showing up in very inconvenient places. A mysterious syndicate is trying to muscle in on his action, and Harold wants to know who they are. He finds out soon enough and bloody mayhem ensues.
The film starts at 7.30 and there is an intermission for a visit to the bar or ice cream.
Next weeks film is “Inside Llewyn Davis”.
More info from Alan on 07940146542 or 9273524

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