Easy Wheelers October Ride

We still have room for some more members keen to get back in the saddle. Your steed must have 2 wheels and be well lubricated. Get it to Hucknall Leisure Centre any Wednesday morning at 09.00 and be raring to go. 2 hours of gentle cycling around the local area plus a coffee stop so back for 11.30. Men and women welcome as long as you have a helmet and road sense although we try to keep off the road as much as possible.
Our next longer ride will be on Wednesday Oct 16th same time same place (HLC at 09.00) although the ride itself will start at 10.00 from the Northern gate of Clumber Park and will include a fair proportion of the Dukeries. You are advised to bring a pack up for lunch on longer rides. Lifts possible from HLC to Clumber for anyone needing help.

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