Cycle Group March 2015

This month we have once again been fortunate with the weather on Wednesday mornings. It has been so good that some of our warmer weather riders have forsaken daytime TV with its gripping soaps, cooking, gardening and ‘reality’ programmes to rejoin the regular riders. It is good to see them back.
Our plan is to gradually extend our distances as mileage completed now will be of benefit to everyone especially members who are riding the 50mile circuit on’ The Great Notts Cycle’ run on June 21st. For those who are still considering it there is still time to register. We may also be looking to offer some additional training rides on some week- ends with dates to be agreed.
A new circuit was added this month basically Hucknall – Watnall- Kimberley-towards Ilkeston- Nottingham Canal- Langley Mill- Eastwood-Moorgreen and back to Hucknall approximately 18/19 miles. A bonus find on this route is a cafe /delicatessen ‘The Basilia’ which is an oasis in Langley Mill. One other route was via ‘The Mulberry Tree’ cafe at Strelley Hall and this month’s observation test is to spot Terry Hill who is very partially hidden in photograph 1.
David Rose / Irene Astill

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