Category Archives: Vegetarian Cookery

Vegetarian Cookery

There were fewer members at last month’s meeting due to holidays and prior commitments, but we all enjoyed a sociable time chatting and eating the cooked recipes. A big thank you to those who helped, as my two beautiful assistants … Continue reading

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Vegetarian Cookery

There was a break in May due to the Bank holiday, so our next meeting is on Monday 24th June at St Peter and St Paul’s church hall on Ruffs Drive at 10.30. We still have a few spaces left … Continue reading

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Vegetarian Cooking

March again had a good number attending and we all enjoyed tasting two savoury recipes. As it was near to Easter we also had mini egg cookies, very sweet and indulgent! In April the meeting is on 22nd at 10.30 … Continue reading

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Vegetarian Cookery

The meeting this month will be on Monday, 26th February, at 10.30 am , at St Peter and St Paul’s church hall on Ruffs Drive.  I have three delicious recipes for you to taste and then to try cooking them … Continue reading

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Vegetarian Cookery group

 At November’s meeting we watched  Apple and Elderflower stars being made. When finished these are drizzled with elderflower icing.  The main recipe was  a Vegetarian Wreath, which is both tasty and colourful as a Christmas dish.   Members also tasted mince … Continue reading

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