Category Archives: Uncategorized

Acoustic Guitar Group

The first of the Guitar group meetings was held on 3rd October, 2019. Nine persons attended and one was confirmed as on holiday. The meeting went very well with the more experienced players helping the beginners. To contact Pete, the … Continue reading

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Science Group One

At our meeting on Thursday, 26th September we undertook something very different and challenging. We had as a Group been discussing and researching the impact of climate change, population growth, earth’s resources and the effects of pollution on ourselves and … Continue reading

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The Choir

I hope members enjoyed their Summer break. We met at 1.30pm on 4th September, when £5 subs. were required from all members. From September we shall be adopting the funding system that has proved successful with other groups, where there … Continue reading

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National Trust Update

The National Trust group will be closing in November until such time as a new group leader comes forward. There are three visits scheduled visits remaining and all but the Charlecote Park trip are full. There are twelve places remaining … Continue reading

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Movement to Music

The Movement group will be resuming in September with a new format: We will now be meeting on the FIRST Thursday of the month (in the Main Hall at the John Godber Centre from 10.00 to 11.00am) and the following … Continue reading

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