Category Archives: Uncategorized

Birdwatching July

Our next visit is to RSPB Blacktoft Sands near Goole on Tuesday 8 July, meeting in the car park there at 10.30am.

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Science Group June Meeting

On Thursday 26th June our Science Group were fortunate enough to listen to a presentation by Keith J Barrington. a professor of Paedriatrics at the University of Montreal. The subject was Neonatology. This subject covers the ethics of decision making … Continue reading

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Bird Watching

Our next visit will be on Tuesday 10 June to Rutland Water – hopefully to see the Ospreys. We will meet at the Lyndon Nature Reserve & Visitor Centre car park at Rutland Water (south side) at 10.30am.

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Choir June Update

U3A Choir – Singing for Pleasure The Choir remains a very positive experience for all members as they continue to enjoy the twice monthly meetings for practice, learning new music; having lots of fun and laughter is a real therapy … Continue reading

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Birdwatching in May

On Tuesday 13 May we will be going to Carsington Water meeting in the Sheepwash Car Park at 10.30 am. The journey takes approximately 1 hour from Hucknall. From Cromford, at the traffic lights, turn left onto A5012/ (B5035) Ashbourne … Continue reading

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