Category Archives: Uncategorized


Last month a choir member carried out our first sung greeting, to mark a birthday, using our new Ring and Sing service. Apparently it was enjoyed by both the recipient of the good wishes, and the singer. Well done to … Continue reading

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Written in haste, as I lost track of the date for some strange reason. A quick ‘Hello’ to choir members, I hope everyone is well, and keeping up with their singing, we don’t want to be croaky when we finally … Continue reading

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Movement to Music Group Closure

Group Update 25/08/20. Unfortunately I am no longer able to continue as Group Leader for the Movement to Music group, so (unless another U3A member is willing to take over*) it won’t be re-opening when other U3A activities resume at … Continue reading

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Creative Writing group

Once again, even though the Creative Writing Group has now closed, I thought you might be interested in the following which was first written in February, 2016. We were told to choose a scene and write about it. BLISS! It … Continue reading

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Creative Writing Group

Once again, even though the Creative Writing Group has now closed, I thought you might be interested in the following which was first written in October, 2017. Dining Out The five elderly ladies sitting down for their bi-annual dinner glanced … Continue reading

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