Category Archives: Uncategorized

Choir Group

Spring is here, with snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils blooming everywhere, and things looking up pandemic-wise too. Thank goodness, although I think it may be a while before the choir can sing together again, sadly, we may be amongst the last … Continue reading

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Choir Group

January isn’t usually a cheerful, sunny month, and the one just past was no exception, although it was brightened in our home by tuneful and kind choir members. David celebrated a birthday, and I had arranged a Ring and Sing … Continue reading

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I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas, in whatever way you celebrated. We opted out of a family gathering, so spent it quietly at home, thankful for Facetime enabling us to see and chat safely to our loved ones, and admire all … Continue reading

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Sadly, for the second consecutive year the choir won’t be performing for the u3a at Christmas. From last Summer our poor musical director suffered a string of accidents and ill health which eventually forced her to resign, we didn’t have … Continue reading

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I should have liked the choir to be able to meet on Zoom, perhaps to sing together, even if it couldn’t be properly coordinated. Optimistically, I attended the Zoom meeting for group leaders, or those hoping to host a meeting, … Continue reading

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