Category Archives: Uncategorized

Litter Picking

Due to holidays and illness June has been a little slow for litter picking. Nevertheless 19 bags of litter have been collected by members of our group in an endeavour to help make our area a better place to live. … Continue reading

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Our notification requesting assistance with the choir is now out there in the NG15 magazine. Our copy hasn’t arrived yet, but a choir member has received hers and has confirmed that the advertisement has been included. You can check it … Continue reading

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No news is not good news in this instance, I continue trying to interest someone with the necessary skills to guide the choir, but so far without success. I’ll carry on, because we can’t return to practise yet, so I … Continue reading

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Science Group

Thanks to all contributors to the October meeting. Meeting on November 19th, 2021 Bob is preparing a Christmas Science Quiz activity and we will be revisiting the Christmas tree. If we have time we will watch two short video clips … Continue reading

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We aren’t able to return to Sherwood House yet, apparently the rules regarding Covid preclude it, but they have indicated they look forward to our returning as the residents enjoy our meetings. That’s cheering, as the search for our musical … Continue reading

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