Category Archives: Short Walks

Short Walks

On Thursday February 16th on a damp and dull day eight intrepid walkers completed a full circumnavigation of all the lakes in Annesley and Newstead Country. On leaving the park via Annesley Junction we entered Annesley Woods for about half … Continue reading

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Short Walks

On Thursday, 19th January, 2023 on our third attempt on a beautiful sunny, cold clear day with frozen ground underfoot we completed the walk from Hollybeck Garden Centre. The previous failed attempts were due to torrential rain on the proposed … Continue reading

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Short Walk – December

The 15th December walk, in cold but fresh and sunny conditions was enjoyed by eleven members. En route Greg described the heritage of some of the buildings such as the Old Blacksmiths on Church Lane Linby and Grange Farm and … Continue reading

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Short Walks

Once again, persistent heavy rain led to the cancellation of our November walk. We will be walking on Thursday 15th December whatever the weather. It is a local ‘Christmas heritage walk’ starting from outside Brooke Farm in Linby village. On … Continue reading

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Short Walks

The October walk was a ‘wash out’ with torrential rain and flooding on several sections of the driving route from Hucknall. The seven members who braved the elements sensibly decided to walk the 25 metres from the car park to … Continue reading

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