Category Archives: Short Walks

Short Walk

Our walk this month is on the 15th February 2024. It was intended to be our January walk but we cancelled due to the severe cold weather and high probability of icy conditions underfoot. The walk starts in Farnsfield Details: … Continue reading

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Short Walks

On December 20th we did a 4 mile local walk starting and finishing at Brooke Farm, Linby. Some of the route followed the River Leen and the group photograph is in front of Papplewick Dam. We had been forewarned by … Continue reading

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Short Walks

In November we finally managed the walk from Gravelly Hollow through Watchwood Woods towards Calverton across the Calverton Colliery reclaimed land. We made a couple of diversions off the intended route to avoid too much mud. In December it’s a … Continue reading

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Short Walks

Due to the forecast for heavy rainfall the decision was made to postpone the October walk, starting from Gravelly Hollow, to Thursday, November 16th. Reminder details will be sent out to group members around November 9th. David Rose

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Short Walk

On September 21st we completed a linear walk of 4.8 miles from Larch Farm to Linby village via Newstead Abbey. We decided to support the 141 bus service by catching the 10.11 am bus outside the Horse and Groom alighting … Continue reading

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