Category Archives: Science Group

Science Group

At our June meeting Terry Hill summarised the importance of the work of the late Sir Peter Higgs of Higgs Boson fame. He made a fantastic job of explaining the very challenging concept of how the Higgs boson was proposed … Continue reading

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Science Group

We next meet at 10.00am on Friday June 21st in the main hall at JGC. Terry Hill is presenting a talk about the late Peter Higgs who famously predicted the existence of what became known as the Higgs-Boson particle. Learn … Continue reading

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Science Group

On Friday 19th April members of the science group together with a few colleagues from National Trust and History made an all day visit to Oxford. Oxford is an interesting city with impressive buildings, the Oxford Colleges and several museums. … Continue reading

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At our March meeting, on Friday 15th, Terry Hill told the tale of seven not so famous scientists who unfortunately met untimely deaths caused by their inventions or discoveries. One of the seven was Sabin Arnold von Sochocky (1883 to 1928).  … Continue reading

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At our February meeting David Vincent, ably assisted by Christine, presented a very interesting Part 2 of the ‘Greening of Nottinghamshire’ He described the early planning stages and then went on to explain how the many coal spoil heaps in … Continue reading

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