Category Archives: Litter Picking

Litter Picking Group

Now that longer daylight hours are here members of the litter picking group have been out in action and to date this month have collected 19 bags of litter. One member has unfortunately noted a number of discarded ‘sharps’ dumped … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

With the onset of spring and better weather, members of the litter picking group have been out and about more – but so have the litter louts! To date 35 bags of litter have been collected by the group during … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

At least 17 bags of litter have been collected by the group in January. One member identified an area where there is a particular problem with litter – the jitty running through the allotments between Beauvale Road and Garden Road, … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

As expected December was rather a slow month for litter picking – unsurprisingly members had got other things to do on the run up to Christmas. However, two members discovered a way of shaking off a Christmas Day hangover on … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

It’s been rather a slack month litter picking with just five bags collected during November. However, that’s five bags of rubbish that would still be a blot on the landscape if it hadn’t been collected by members of our group. … Continue reading

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