Category Archives: Litter Picking

Litter Picking Group

Despite medical issues and poor weather, members of the litter picking group still managed to clear 32 bags of rubbish from our countryside, paths and parks during January and for that I thank them. It can actually be quite addictive. … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

Obviously with Christmas and the poor weather it has been a slow month for litter picking. However, during an afternoon walk one member collected a supermarket basket, filled it with empty beer cans (he claims not to be responsible for … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

Some good news to report – firstly with regard to the missing litter bins which I mentioned in last month’s newsletter. Some of them have now been replaced. The second piece of good news is that, for over a year … Continue reading

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Litter Picking

Despite the awful weather in October members of the litter picking group still managed to collect 26 bags of rubbish – but do you know what they do with it? Well, normally they leave the rubbish all correctly bagged up … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

Once again members of the group were out and about collecting litter from our area and in total gathered 27 bags of it in September, all of which was disposed of in the correct manner. On 18th September an informal meeting … Continue reading

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