Category Archives: History Group

Latest news from the history group

History Group is Back!

The History Group is back after its summer break! Hope you all enjoyed the summer. The first meeting of the new season will be on Wednesday 18th September. 2.00pm at the Central Methodist Church. The subject involves looking at old … Continue reading

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History Group September Meeting

There will be no meeting in August. We are planning an interesting programme for the coming year, so watch this space in the September Newsletter. Everyone is welcome to join our group. We meet at the Central Methodist Church, 2.00pm … Continue reading

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History Group

On Wednesday 19th June we are visiting the Church (Rock) Cemetery, Nottingham, for a guided tour by a Kevin Powell, a member of Nottingham Civic Society. Meet at 12.50pm at the Cemetery entrance gates (next to the Lodge) at the … Continue reading

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History Group

Absolutely fabulous! The History Group’s first visit this year was to Nottingham University to hear a talk called “The Making of Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum” from Dr. Paul Roberts the Senior Roman Curator of the new exhibition … Continue reading

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History Group

At our meeting in March Derek Wileman from the National Trust explained how the Workhouses came into being after the Poor Law Amendment in 1834, when parishes would no longer be expected to pay Outdoor Relief but would provide accommodation … Continue reading

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