Category Archives: History Group

Latest news from the history group

Richard III Visit Photographs

Photographs from the recent visit to the Richard III Visitor Centre in Leicester.

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History Group March Report and Trip details

Our meeting in March when the speaker was Jenny Page felt quite unusual. It was interesting to see how women had to be trained to take over many jobs helping to keep the country ‘running smoothly’ when most of the … Continue reading

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History Group – February

Sorry the meeting on 21st January was cancelled but it seemed the best thing to do in the circumstances. I do hope you all understand that I really didn’t want to bear the responsibility of someone slipping or falling in … Continue reading

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History Group in the New Year

Dominic Johnson is coming to the 21st of January meeting to give a talk called “What’s in a Name” which sounds as if it will be a very good presentation. Any History Group member who would like to go on … Continue reading

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History Group

Wednesday 19 November at 2pm is the date and time to remember. This time it will be ourselves providing the entertainment by bringing something relating to our own family’s past and telling the story about the article. What might the … Continue reading

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