Category Archives: History Group

Latest news from the history group

History Group Talk on Religious Buildings

On Wednesday 18th November at 2pm we have a presentation from Jenny Page who has been to talk to us before. This time we will stay fairly close to home because it will be about religious buildings in Nottinghamshire. Think … Continue reading

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History Group Special Speaker

On Wednesday 21st October at 2pm a special visitor is booked to explain to us “What’s in a name?” Dominic Johnson’s previous date last January was postponed due to snow and has been re-planned for this meeting. The History Group … Continue reading

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History Group Autumn Meetings

On Wednesday September 16th at 2pm the history group will begin the indoor series of meetings at Central Methodist Church Hall. The facilities in the building are suitable for people with any kind of mobility problems. Members will need to … Continue reading

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History Lace Market Walk

The June walk around the Lace Market was extraordinary. Kevin the guide was amazing and took us up short stairs, but not down long stairs, into cemeteries, showed us mills, theatres and many other things we had not seen or … Continue reading

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History Group Visits

What can I say about the group visit to the Richard lll Exhibition and Cathedral in Leicester in April. Good weather, good coach, good driver, good company – what more could anyone wish for – it was an ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS … Continue reading

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