Category Archives: Fun with Languages

Fun with Languages

Our meeting in March went well and we revisited Spanish pronunciation by following a Youtube link which was fun and informative. We continued with looking at the basic vocabulary and grammar for the first two episodes in a new drama … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

January was our last (for the moment) of four sessions on French. We had a great time performing role plays on buying and comparing supermarkets and markets; and collecting ingredients for meals. Well done everyone, you worked hard on those … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

It was great to meet up again after Christmas. We are looking forward to our meal out at French Living on 7th February and Liz has all the arrangements. Our January meeting continued with French and our course Ma France. … Continue reading

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Fun With Languages

Our December session progressed with videos on Directions using Ma France. We enjoyed the craziness of finding the hotel and the Activities (when we finally found them!!) Scoring was not too bad! We had our Christmas nibbles and then some … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Our meeting on 14th November was well attended and we did some hard learning on regular and irregular verbs. We next started a new BBC course we are following and this was well received – especially the games section!! We … Continue reading

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