Category Archives: Fun with Languages

Fun with Languages

We continue with our Zoom meetings and with Italian. We had the challenge of a map of part of Rome to answer questions on places and directions, to varying degrees of success, accuracy and depth of information. Anyway, we got … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Our meeting today took the form of Kim’s game in Italian. This was followed by a short passage read out and questions asked on it. Everyone did very well especially as this was the first of our group of sessions … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Hola! We have continued to Zoom twice monthly in our Spanish lessons and this month has seen us do a great job of translating an article from Hola magazine about Harry y Meghan. And for our next Zoom we shall … Continue reading

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Fun With Languages

We hope you are keeping well and happy during these challenging times and finding new ways to live with the virus as the future months unfold. Meanwhile, we do the best we can and enjoy our Zoom meetings and it … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Thanks to the amazing technology we are blessed with and the genius of Mark and others we were able to have our first Zoom meeting for our session on Spanish in April. We have also planned a Zoom coffee morning … Continue reading

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