Category Archives: Fun with Languages

Fun with Languages

Our February meeting was the last of this session on French. We had a lovely meeting and shared pieces we had composed about our imaginary day at work or leisure. It was such an encouragement to see how people were … Continue reading

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Fun With Languages

January 2021 – Here we go zooming again! This time our meeting was a little chaotic as my share screen was not always happy to share! However, we soldiered on and got there in the end. It was lovely to … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Well we are here and holding our own as a group despite a challenging 2020. We have sadly lost a few zoomers on the way, which is a shame, but understandable in these circumstances. As yet we do not know … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Our meeting in November went well and we continued with the Ma France course revising directions and places in France; also completing a crossword on French place names. It is great to see many of you zooming but there is … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Greetings everyone! We hope this finds you well and in as good a heart as possible as we all cope with these challenging Covid 19 days. Our good wishes go out to all those who are struggling with anxiety or … Continue reading

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