Category Archives: Fun with Languages

Fun with Languages

The meeting in April saw us a little down on numbers as it was still Easter week and some were on holiday. A few are still ill, and we hope you are well again soon to join us. We welcomed … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Well done to the ten brave, hardy, souls that managed to make the March meeting due to snowy weather. While you were experiencing some snow here I was wading through piles in Tromso, Norway. A huge thank you to Liz … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Sadly our group in January was a bit reduced due to illness. So we hope that all those who have been poorly will recover quickly and can make next month. We continued in Spanish with our Drama and further vocabulary … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

By the time you read this it should be 2023! I hope you have all enjoyed a healthy, peaceful, enjoyable Christmas time. In our group we managed a lovely meal out at Moda, after much perseveramce on Liz’s part as … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

The Fun with Languages Group were practising Italian at the Christmas meal at Moda this month. A most enjoyable evening was enjoyed by all. Best wishes to those members who were unable to join us and thanks to Liz for … Continue reading

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