Category Archives: Fun with Languages

Fun with Languages

Our April meeting concluded the Spanish sessions for this time. This time we rejoiced that there were no technical issues (thanks to my husband Ian) and we caught up with the Hotel booking we missed last time due to problems. … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

We did indeed have fun and games at our last meeting, but not the sort we really wanted! This was due in the end to a computer update blocking the online videos we were using. Thanks to everyone for their … Continue reading

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Fun With Languages

Our next meeting is on Thursday, 14th March, 2019, 10.30 till 12 noon in the John Godber Centre, Byron Suite. All are welcome. We continue with Spanish and we are looking at booking Hotel rooms. We shall consolidate earlier learning … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Our January meeting woke us all up with a return to Spanish after several French sessions. We looked at the definite and indefinite Articles, some new vocabulary and gender matching. It was all a bit mind boggling after the Christmas … Continue reading

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Fun With Languages

The group met in November when we practised our short play for the Christmas Showcase event, amidst great fun and laughter. All enjoyed the morning and we have some budding actors around. everyone joined in so well so congratulations! We … Continue reading

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