Category Archives: Fun with Languages

Fun With Language

Our October meeting went with a zing. We had a French revision session. Firstly, we enjoyed a quiz and this was followed by group role-plays on given scenarios. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 14th November at the John … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

A brief reminder that there is no meeting in September. We resume again on Thursday, 10th October, 2019 in the John Godber Centre 10.30 am to 12 noon and we shall begin the first of four sessions on French. Newcomers … Continue reading

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Fun With Languages

At our July meeting we learnt about Regular verbs and the irregular forms of To be and To have. After much thinking we then tackled a revision wordsearch which was easier on the brain! Our next meeting will be on … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

We were a little low on numbers for our June meeting due to holidays and illness but undeterred we continued with our Italian sessions and welcomed another new member. This month we watched some BBC internet clips on Market food … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

We began this group of Italian sessions with some revision from our last Italian class, which all of us needed and appreciated!! We welcomed a new member and we are always happy to do so. We listened to some basic … Continue reading

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