Busy Weekenders

A small group of hardy Weekenders met on 20th November at the Old Market Square to watch the Christmas Lights Switch on, followed by fireworks. We hope to get together again for the Hucknall Carnival on December 4th and look forward to seeing the U3A tree in the Christmas Tree Festival in the Parish Church. Some of us attended Arnold U3A’s “Let’s Celebrate the U3A” event on 23rd November whilst
others went to the Christmas Fayre at the DH Lawrence Centre, Eastwood on the same day; there was a brass band playing but unfortunately the weather was too cold for the brass monkeys. We did some Christmas shopping and had a bite to eat before heading home to put on the heating again.
The next day we visited Reg Taylor Garden Centre at Normanton, near Southwell, for shopping and lunch. We arrived at 11 am for coffee then enjoyed visiting the different areas of the Garden Centre, especially the wonderful Christmas Shop. You could tell who the U3A members were because they all seemed to be standing alone, talking to themselves saying “Now would this one look right on the Christmas tree or should I get the other one?”. Then we had a superb lunch when members nearly came to blows when there were only three portions of Fruit Pavlova left for dessert. However, we compromised and shared. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the visit despite it being cold and have asked to have another visit in the summer. The next event for The Weekenders will be our Christmas get together for Afternoon Tea at Lottie’s Secret Tearoom on 6th December. Then we plan to get even more into the Christmas spirit when eighteen of us will be at the “Christmas is Coming Concert” at the Albert Hall on 15th December.
The next Programme Planning get together will be on Saturday, 11th January from 2.0-4.0 pm. Please bring lots of new ideas for 2014.

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