Author Archives: Webmaster

Mid-length Walking group

Welbeck Estate and Belph Twenty-one walkers assembled at the meeting point; several went off to avail themselves of the facilities, worryingly by 10 o’clock they had not returned; it was a long walk! All present, introductions and formalities complete, we … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Last meeting we had brain ache with some grammar on nouns, gender and agreements of singular and plural. Also a peep into pronouns. However, despite the grammar, enjoyment was had in the role-play groups as we practised asking directions and … Continue reading

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Film Group

Advance Notice for all Elvis fans that the new film called simply ELVIS is to be released on June 24th, 2022 and will be shown at various cinemas in and around Nottingham including The ARC in Hucknall. Elvis is played … Continue reading

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Jubilee Singalonga

The Singalong group celebrated the Queens jubilee at our last meeting, we were lower in numbers than normal( due to other groups meetings) but nevertheless we enjoyed a morning of patriotic songs. I’m sure her Majesty wouldn’t have mind Sandra … Continue reading

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Message from our Chair

Our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday 13th May, 2022 and is our first with the new committee. Our guest speaker for May is Mike Newbold and he will be talking to us about his experiences as a TV extra. … Continue reading

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