Author Archives: Webmaster

Not So Grumpy Old Men

In July, a small very select group of the ‘not so grumpies’ visited the Ten Pin Bowling Alley in Nottingham. Despite several attempts to handicap him, our winner was our very own Mr John Saunders, seen here about to be … Continue reading

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GOD group

Ladies from the Growing Old Disgracefully (GOD) group shake their stuff on Friday 2nd September, 2022 – the Belly dancing session was enjoyed by all participants.

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Pub Quiz

The August Pub Quiz was attended by 21 members. The next Pub Quiz will be on Monday, 12th September at The Nabb Inn at 12 noon. All welcome – we can always add another person to a team if you … Continue reading

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Reading Group

The set book for August discussion was “Dissolution” by C.J.Sansom which was a murder mystery set in the times of the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII. It really brought the sights, sounds and smells of the times to … Continue reading

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The Weekenders’ September Newsletter was sent out on 27th August. Once again, many thanks to Margaret Whilde & Lindsay Smith for printing off copies for those members not on email and for delivering them on their morning walks. Our outing … Continue reading

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