Author Archives: Webmaster

Ukulele Group

A performance by nine members of the Group was well received at September’s Hog Roast, audience participation was excellent especially the additional percussion (table banging). The group performed the Hucknall Ukulele Band (best band in the land) and the u3a … Continue reading

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Our theme for the September meeting was based around energy. The question being could we in the United Kingdom (where we are well endowed with wind, wave, and tidal resources) live on our own renewable forms of energy? It is … Continue reading

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Short Walks

On the 15th September 16 members enjoyed a 4.2 miles woodland meander through Sansome Woods starting and finishing at Burnt Stump Country Park. This country park is a favourite of families in the area. It consists mainly of deciduous woodland, … Continue reading

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National Trust – Hardwick Hall

A bright and sunny morning greeted the group as we met up on Hucknall Market place at the slightly later time of ten o’clock for the short journey to Hardwick Hall. We were met by a volunteer from the National … Continue reading

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Long Walks

The September walk: The River Idle, Wetlands and Chesterfield Canal went well, we had good weather and enjoyed walking along the steady moving River and the beautiful countryside along the canal and then back to the visitors’ centre through the … Continue reading

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