Author Archives: Webmaster


The Weekenders January Newsletter was sent out at the end of December. Once again, many thanks to Margaret Whilde & Lindsay Smith for printing off copies for those members not on email and for delivering them on their morning walks. … Continue reading

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Lunch Group

The Christmas Lunch on 21st December, 2022 at the Albert Hall Osbourne Room was the best event of our Lunch Group year. The staff always go out of their way to be very helpful; the room is excellently decorated and … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

By the time you read this it should be 2023! I hope you have all enjoyed a healthy, peaceful, enjoyable Christmas time. In our group we managed a lovely meal out at Moda, after much perseveramce on Liz’s part as … Continue reading

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Our final meeting of 2022 was on the Friday 16th December. Bob McEwen led a group colour blindness test. Most people with colour vision deficiency have difficulty distinguishing between shades of red, yellow and green. This is known as “red-green” … Continue reading

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Wine Appreciation Group

For our Christmas murder mystery party this year we accepted invitations to visit Trimming Mansion in the picturesque village of Marsh Mallow. Off-duty Inspector Chris Mass was convinced it was one of us ‘wot-dun-it’ and we spent an evening assisting … Continue reading

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