Author Archives: Webmaster


The Weekenders April Newsletter was sent out to its members at the end of April. We went to Denby Pottery on Monday, 17th April.  Sadly we did not fill the bus so may have to re-think our outings if not … Continue reading

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Lunch Group

On 26th April, 28 of us visited The Countryman in the Kirkby in Ashfield area which was much enjoyed.    On the 24th May we are booked into The Corinthian, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham and a £5 deposit is required. Unfortunately … Continue reading

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The Kurling  group meets on the fourth  Sunday of the month.  The Venue is St Johns Church Hall, Nottingham Road, and the time is 3-5pm. For more information, please contact Sue Foss on the form below:-

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Table Games

Why not join us for a fun evening of games? Nothing too brain taxing of course! We meet in a room at the rear of the Catholic church on Watnall Road on the third Friday evening of the month. We … Continue reading

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History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members especially new ones. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm ish. What did you think to Bassetlaw Museum at Retford if you went on the coach? … Continue reading

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